Christmas is coming and I feel like running one of my famous 48-hour specials. Usually, I do this for one selected product. This time is different.
This time, everything in the store is discounted. Fiction 101. Fiction 201. My two teleseminar series with Allison Bottke and with Mary Byers. And everything else.
Everything is 25% off. There is only one way to get this discount, and that’s to click the secret link here. No other link will get you this discount.
This special runs for 48 hours only, no exceptions. It runs from midnight to midnight, California time, all day December 13 and all day December 14. After that, it’s back to business as usual. If you want to do something for yourself as a writer this holiday season, here’s your chance.
There was a dictator named Randy,
whose Snowflake and e-zines were handy
to master the craft
and produce a good draft,
to be published just fine and dandy.
Extremely tasteful legal notice:
WHEREAS this limerick (hereinafter referred to as the “Intellectual Property”) is copyright Daniel J Van der Merwe, 2007, the said Van der Merwe who is about to leave for the KwaZulu-Natal south coast with his family for three wicked weeks of idyllic idleness and berated beer soaking;
AND WHEREAS, pursuant to a legal and binding agreement the said Van der Merwe has entered into with his wife, he will leave his laptop behind, and to Pluto with them pesky daily praxes;
AND WHEREAS the said Van der Merwe, in the true Christmas spirit of peace and goodwill, has decided to renounce all his rights, as is more fully set out hereinafter;
NOW THEREFORE it is hereby stipulated that the said Daniel J Van der Merwe unconditionally and irrevocably waives all his right, title and interest in and to the Intellectual Property in favour of Randy and the blog readers for them to use, misuse and/or abuse in any way they deem fit in their sole discretion.
Extremely sincere wish: Merry Christmas and may God bless.
Hi Randy,
I’m back from vacation and yesterday posted a comment. The submission wouldn’t go through. I also haven’t received an e-zine.
Was the above posting so offensive that it merits me getting tossed of the blogg and being banned from the website?
If so, I apologise and asure you that no malice was intended.
Oops! was this a mistake?